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Nominations and Elections Committee: Other Elections

A home base for the BCC Nominations & Elections Committee

Faculty Senate

Faculty Senate: The Senate elects its new officers at the meeting after the spring luncheon (usually mid-May).   If someone is there from the committee they can run the election or if not, a member of the committee should go.  

Professor Emeritus

Professor Emeritus:  the divisions are supposed to nominate and vote for candidates for Professor Emeritus at their January meeting. Sometimes they don’t contact us.  The point person on this is Kate McGivern and she should be able to tell you what, if any, responsibilities you have.

Faculty Development

Faculty Development:  There were no elections for faculty development members last year and I do not know what they are doing this year.  Processes for FD elections have changed a number of times over the years.   The chair of FD should be contacting you.