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ALP Level 3 Chapter 1: Search Setup


The next step is to find some information about our subtopic from the Historical New York Times.

This database helps us to search for news stories when it was happening.

Click on the Historical New York Times link below.  Your search will have your subtopic only to start.


One of the important elements you should have noted is a date.  Victoria Blanco methodically records dates within her story. 

  1. Once you do your search limit by date, on the left hand side.  The date should be within three years of the event.  ex. NAFTA, 1994.  Articles should be between 1991 and 1997.
  2. Look through the results list.  Which article can help you to learn more about your topic?
  3. Click on the title of that article.
  4. Once you determine if this article will help you, if the answer is yes, save the article and upload it to your worksheet.